Tuesday, June 29, 2021



Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework said Jim Rohan. The purpose of homework given by the school is that children should learn time management skills and it also increases the ability to complete the task. After school program of Hackensack provides mentors who teach them how to become more efficient with the help of the school homework. The mentors of the After school program is responsible for the homework which is a big part and one of the benefits of the joining of the After school program in Mindsahead Academy.

The U.S. Department of Education describes four types of homework: practice, preparatory, extension and integration. At Mindsahead Academy, mentors help the children of all classes with these four types of Homework strategies also.

  · Practice:- The first strategy of homework is Practice which is the most common and intended to help students in master specific skills. The students nail down the basic skills and dig into the steps to solve the numerical problems. Afterschool program, make the group of the students for solving complex problems or showing the concepts practically helps a lot in their homework.

  ·  Preparatory:- The second type of homework strategy is preparatory. It introduces the concepts and ideas that will discuss in the classroom of the school in the near future. Examples are vocabulary or reading a chapter before the topic discussed in the school classroom. After school program, help students by giving them notes of the main idea of the topics and discussing the questions that arise while completing homework.

  · Extension:- The third type of strategy for homework is an extension. It is a strategy where the teacher wants to challenge a student with opportunities to apply what they learned and to create something new. After school program, make the student think about concepts in different ways with different angles and thus also help children to engage different ways of mental processing. This also helps in homework completion of complex problems.

 · · Integration:- The fourth type of strategy is integration which is applying all the concepts to a single task. After school program, give students a large project where students can keep track of all information. They learn planning also with multi-step of the projects.

Is your child struggling and tensed with homework on a daily basis? MindsaheadAcademy can help your child homework and surely your child become a stronger and better student.

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